Monday, June 16, 2008


There is a difference between:
Taking the tablespace offline and taking the datafiles offline

ALTER TABLESPACE (tablespace_name ) OFFLINE; does a checkpoint on all datafiles and then takes the datafiles offline.

ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE (datafile_path) OFFLINE;does not perform a checkpoint, so that if the database is open, you may need to perform media recovery when bringing it online.

That is the reason why:
You cannot do ‘alter database datafile (datafile_path) offline’ if you are in noarchivelog (but tablespace offline works)
You cannot do ‘alter tablespace (tablespace_name) offline’ if database is read-only (but datafile offline works)

Note that in both cases, you can check the STATUS column from v$datafile to see if the file is online, offline or needs recovery.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

System Change Number (SCN)

The system change number (SCN) is an ever-increasing internal timestamp that uniquely identifies a committed version of the database. Every time a user commits a transaction, Oracle records a new SCN. You can obtain SCNs in a number of ways, for example,

a) alert log.
b) select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;

The SCN plays an important role to determine if the database is in a consistent state or not when the database is brought up. The background process SMON checks the SCN in all datafile headers when the database is started. Everything is fine if all of these SCNs matches with the SCN found in the controlfile. They must be the same. If the SCNs are not same, the database is in an inconsistent state. Recovery is needed.

The SCN plays a vital role for providing consistent reads.

Basically, it works as follows: The query reads a db block. This block has as an attribute the SCN when it was last changed. If this SCN is greater than the SCN that was in place when (our) query began, it means that the block was changed after we have started our query. So we have to find an older version of the block. If this block is found in the rollback segments/undo, we use it for our query.
When a (reading) query starts, it is important that the values of the rows selected are the same as when the query started, even if another session has changed those rows. This is refered to as read consistency. Read consistency is achieved through the SCN (system change number).

When a checkpoint occurs, Oracle must update the headers of all datafiles to record the details of the checkpoint. This is done by the CKPT process. The CKPT process does not write blocks to disk; DBWn always performs that work.

The System Change Number (SCN) is how Oracle internally keeps track of the timing of events (i.e., transactions) in the database. The SCN does not have a time associated with it, but a higher SCN occurred after a lower SCN. There is no correlation between the SCN values and the time between when the SCNs were generated. Two SCNs that differ by a value of 10 could be generated one second apart or 10 minutes apart.

Since the online redo log files contain transaction information, it is useful to know when that transaction took place, relative to other transactions. So SCNs are written to the online redo log files. Any record written to the online redo log file has an associated SCN so the database will know when that change took place.

The SCN is stored in other places as well. One of the most important is the control files. The control file keeps track of changes to the database. As such, it needs to know the SCN.
The datafile headers also contain the SCN of the most recent transaction that changed the datafile’s contents. When you start Oracle, Oracle checks the SCN in the datafile with the SCN in the control file. If the SCN in the datafile is “older” than the SCN in the control file, Oracle knows that the file needs recovery. When you make a tablespace READ ONLY, all of its datafiles have the SCN frozen, but Oracle does not worry about this because it knows the files have not had changes made to it.
Another place the SCN is stored is in the data block. The SCN in the block will show when the block’s contents were last updated.
